Rumelifeneri Campus Student Dormitories Emergency Evacuation and Fire Drill

Dear Members of the Koç University Community,

To prepare for emergencies that may occur on campus and to fulfill legal obligations, an Emergency Evacuation and Fire Drill will be conducted at the Rumelifeneri Campus Student Dormitories on Friday, April 22, 2022, at the following building and times.


1-     Henry Ford Blocks A, B and Dorms O, P, R Drill start time 17:40
2-     Dorms H, K, L, N Drill start time 18:00
3-     Dorms G, B, E Drill start time 18:20
4-     Dorms F, I, J, M Drill start time 18:40
5-     Dorms C, D, A Drill start time 19:00
6-     Health Center and Dorms S and U Drill start time 19:20


When you hear the fire alarm and announcement:

  • Do not panic. Take your valuables (mobile phone, wallet, etc.) that will not interfere with your evacuation. Unplug electronic devices and equipment. Close the door of the room without locking it. Follow the emergency exit direction sign, evacuate from the nearest emergency exits taking quick steps, without running.
  • Follow the instructions of the staff members assigned for the exercise.
  • After leaving the building through the emergency exits, follow the instructions of the staff, and go to the designated EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY AREA. Join the group for your building so that you can be counted. Wait until you are given instructions to return to the building.
  • Students with special needs should evacuate the buildings last, under the guidance of their Buddy, who should help them to stay safe during the rapid evacuation.

We kindly request your participation.


Directorate of Security, Fire Brigade, and Emergency