Earthquake Drill in All Academic Buildings

Dear Members of the Koç University Community,

To prepare for emergency and extraordinary situations and to comply with legal requirements, an Earthquake Drill involving all academic buildings in the Rumelifeneri Campus will take place “on Thursday, March 24, 2022.”

Below, you will find the names, hours, and assembly points for the buildings where the drill will take place:

  1. English Language Center and College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
  • The drill will start at 10:00
  • The emergency assembly point is the outdoor parking area in front of college buildings
  1. College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • The drill will start at 10:45
  • The emergency assembly point is the outdoor parking area in front of college buildings
  1. School of Medicine and College of Science
  • The drill will start at 11:30
  • The emergency assembly point is the outdoor parking area in front of college buildings
  1. Rahmi M. Koç College of Engineering
  • The drill will start at 13:30
  • The emergency assembly point is the outdoor parking area in front of college buildings
  1. Semahat/Dr. Nusret Arsel Science and Technology Building
  • The drill will start at 14:30
  • The emergency assembly point for Block A is the outdoor parking area in front of college buildings
  • The emergency assembly point for Block B is the soccer field and the adjacent parking area.

The drill will start with the earthquake announcement.

When you hear the earthquake announcement,

Get to a safe area, assume the “drop – cover – hold on” position, and wait until you hear the evacuation announcement.

(During the drill, faculty are expected to direct students and to give instructions for the “drop – cover – hold on” position, to coordinate the evacuation of the students once the announcement is made, to take photos of the drill if possible, and to email these to Staff appointed to each floor for the drill will assist faculty.)

Once the earthquake announcement ends, the evacuation announcement will be heard.

When you hear the evacuation announcement:

  1. Do not panic! Remember that the evacuation will start from the lowest floor then continue onto the upper floors to avoid confusion!
  2. Take your valuables (mobile phone, wallet, car key, etc.) that will not interfere with your evacuation. Follow the emergency exit signs, leave the building using the nearest emergency exit doors and stairs. Take quick steps but do not run. Do not use the elevators!
  3. Once you are out of the building, get to the designated Emergency Assembly Point, join your classes or department so that you can be counted, and wait for further instructions from the officials. Do not leave the area and do not return to the buildings until you are instructed that it is safe to do so.
  4. To prevent injuries during the rapid evacuation, pregnant or disabled staff and students should evacuate the buildings last, with the support of the personnel they designated as helpers.
  5. To learn the emergency exits and evacuation route for your building, it is of great importance that you make at least one reconnaissance tour before the drill.

In buildings where there is teaching or training taking place, faculty members and staff will direct students. In administrative units/buildings, department managers will direct the staff members they are responsible for.)

Let us remember that the most important reasons for the increase in injuries, loss of life and property in earthquakes is not taking precautions against hazards detected before the earthquake and being caught unprepared, and panicking, doing the wrong things during an earthquake. Let us perform our drill by acting as if the exercise were a real emergency.

We kindly request your participation.


Directorate of Security, Fire Brigade, and Emergency