Carries out the studies of , planning, preparation, training, inspection, drill and coordination by assesing all risks in order to be prepared for emergencies and disasters that may occur at Koç University campuses.

The main duties and responsibilities are as follows;

  • Analyzes the existing sources and conditions by making risk analysis in order to reduce the effects of disasters or emergencies that may occur,
  • Plans and carries out disaster and emergency preparedness tasks and coordinates civil defense, landsturm and warfare services in possible situations,
  • Prepares and updates the civil defense and emergency action plans, oversees their applicability for all units, makes revisions if necessary,
  • Prepares emergency evacuation plans,
  • Organizes and conducts drills related to disaster, civil defense, emergency and landsturm at the university campuses, coordinates the scenarios and organizations, evaluates and prepares reports,
  • Carries out works on the purchase of materials and equipment needed to provide disaster, civil defense and emergency services, and inspects the maintenance and protection of existing ones,
  • Prepares the annual disaster and emergency services budget, follows the budget realizations,
  • Coordinates the response in case of disasters and emergencies and informs top management,
  • Follows and fulfills the requirements of the legislation, publications and directives related to the services,
  • Ensures cooperation and coordination between the University and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, the Provincial Directorate of Disaster and Emergency and other public institutions and organizations,
  • Supervises and follows up the operations related to warning and alarm news within the institution, the operation of the announcement and siren system,
  • Supervises shelterservices of the University.
  • Supervises the periodic control of the materials and equipment in the disaster containers and follow-up and maintenance of the devices,
  • Trains emergency and civil defense teams,
  • Provides training to the University staff, students and personnel of the subcontractor/employerson disaster, civil defense, emergency, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats and hazards, protective security and first aid,
  • Appoints the team leader and assistants of the university-based search and rescue team, provides the necessary equipment they need, organizes the trainings they need periodically for the improvement of team members and team accreditation, With the approval of the university top management makes the necessary organizational plans to response in events that require search and rescue across the country in cooperation with community companies, public and other non-governmental organizations.
  • Supervises the disaster, civil defense, emergency, mobilization and protective security services carried out by subcontractors and tenants of the University,
  • Carries out the secretariat services of the University’s Emergency and Disaster Management Center, ensures coordination with the Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management Center,
  • Participates on behalf of the University in meetings, trainings and symposiums organized in or outside of Istanbul on Emergency and Disasters to which the University is invited.