Past Events
Hatay Earthquake Region Search & Rescue Efforts

On February 9, a team of 6 people from Koç University Search and Rescue (KUAK), which was established in 2015, conducted search and rescue activities in the İskenderun region.

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February 2023, Thursday
Duration: 09.02.2023-13.02.2023
Response and Rescue Drill for Hazardous Materials

Response and Rescue Drill for Hazardous Materials was completed on Wednesday, 01.02.2023.

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February 2023, Wednesday
Location: SNA B 137
Hazardous Materials Incidents Response Training

Hazardous Materials Incidents Response Training was completed on 01.02.2023.

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February 2023, Wednesday
EÇADEM Earthquake Drill

EÇADEM Earthquake Drill was conducted on Thursday, 29.12.2022.

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December 2022, Thursday
Location: EÇADEM
Earthquake Drill

To prepare for emergency and extraordinary situations and to comply with legal requirements, an Earthquake Drill involving all academic buildings in the Rumelifeneri Campus will take place “on Wednesday , December 21, 2022.”

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December 2022, Wednesday
Location: All Academic Buildings
Emergency & Disaster Response Support Teams Training For EÇADEM

Emergency & Disaster Response Support Teams Training For EÇADEM was completed on 10.08.2022.

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August 2022, Wednesday
Emergency Informational Training For High School Summer School

Emergency Informational Training For High School Summer School was completed on 18.07.2022.

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July 2022, Monday
Emergency Informational Training For High School Summer School

Emergency Informational Training For High School Summer School was completed on 28.06.2022.

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June 2022, Tuesday
Emergency Informational Training

Emergency Informational Training was completed on 10.06.2022.

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June 2022, Friday
Emergency & Disaster Response Support Teams Training

Emergency & Disaster Response Support Teams Training was completed on 08.06.2022.

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June 2022, Wednesday
Rumelifeneri Campus Administrative Buildings Emergency Evacuation and Fire Drill

To prepare for emergencies that may occur on campus and to fulfill legal obligations, an Emergency Evacuation and Fire Drill will be conducted on “Thursday, May 26, 2022”, at the following building and times.

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May 2022, Thursday
Location: Rumelifeneri Campus Administrative Buildings
Emergency Informational Training

Emergency Informational Training was completed on 13.05.2022.

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May 2022, Friday